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Fr. Todd 


Growing up I was blessed to attend a Catholic Elementary school.  As the Pastor at Sacred Heart since 2018, I cannot tell you how pleased I am that our beautiful parish has a school!  What a blessing to watch our kids grow in knowledge and virtue with all things rooted in Christ. 

We hear this in Psalm 8:2: “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.”  That is what I have experienced at our Friday School Masses and regular visits to the classrooms. 


My favorite response to a question was when I asked: “What does it mean when we say that we believe in Jesus?”.  One student replied this way: “To believe in Jesus means to believe He has done wonderful things before and that He will do wonderful things for me.”  


Here is a faith and a hope that we all need to grow ever stronger in our own lives! 

Contact Fr. Todd

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