Mrs. Elizabeth Mary
“I believe that all children can learn. Children learn in different ways, so if your child is not understanding what I am teaching, then I need to teach it differently.”
Classroom Culture
The most important rule in my classroom is to treat others with kindness. If we are being kind than all other rules are being followed. At the same time, we are learning several virtues that reinforce being kind and accepting to others. We practice patience, self-control, respect and courtesy every day.
I really get to know each child. I want to know what they like and what they do not like, their strengths and weaknesses. I try to use the things they like to help develop their weak areas. I give them a lot of positive feedback and encouragement.
Hands on
Independent work
Fine and gross motor activities
Small group instruction
Buddy learning
Formal assessment are completed 3 times a year for each child. This shows me the areas where they are making progress and which areas we may need to focus on.
Everyday Learning
​​I will explain what we are doing and walk them through it a couple of times. Then, I observe as they work on their own. If more help is needed, it is given. When they complete their papers independently and they missed questions, we will go back over them together.
Special Projects
In the Fall, the kindergarten class visits an apple orchard. We go on a hayride, walk through a corn maze, pick apples and a pumpkin. The students see how apples are washed and how cider is made. They get to have donuts and cider for a snack while we are there. In class, we follow up by tasting different types of apples and graph which ones we liked the best.
Each year for March is Reading Month we do a large class project about a specific location. We learn about the different climates and animals in the area. Each child chooses an animal to research and we make a large 3-D “mural” in the classroom. The children love this and will find many ways to expand the project on their own. They will even use their free time to work on it.
For Thanksgiving we meet up with our preschool friends and share a Thanksgiving feast. One class is Pilgrims and the other class is Indians. We learn about the pilgrims trip to America and how the Indians helped them.
We also participate in the “Stuff the Turkey” project. We discuss how we should be thankful for what we have and that some people don’t have food, clothes, or a house. Children bring in food to “stuff the turkey.” Once the turkey is full, we take it over to the food pantry.
In February, we make Valentines and walk to the post office. The children buy a stamp and we discuss how to address an envelope. We talk to the mail carriers and learn what happens to our cards after we have mailed them.
For fire safety month, we take a walking field trip to the Police Station and the Fire Department. We talk with the fireman, see all of their gear, and check all of their trucks. At the Police Department, we speak with officers about their job and check out the police cars.
In the spring, we take a class field trip. We have visited the Toledo Zoo and Dahlem Environmental Center. We have a guided tour and learn all about the different animals.