Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me
John 14:1
We began the school year talking about love during morning prayer. It is the end of the fifth week of school and we are still talking about love every morning when we gather. Love is huge! We have spent time learning how to love ourselves the way Jesus loves us. The students have learned how to connect to their bodies and mind through meditative prayer and how to think about the times during the day when they loved, cared, shared, committed, tried, hoped and showed grace. This personal inventory is a great way to see how much love is in every day. It is also how we can see the Holy Spirit in action!
We then moved on to loving our neighbor. Our neighbors are our family, classmates, teammates, people in line next to us, and even our enemies. Our neighbors are the people whom God gives to each of us to learn our daily lessons. God uses these neighbors to make us better people. Trusting that God has given us the people we need to grow our soul can really open our heart to loving our neighbor. God’s beauty is present in everyone who crosses our path and seen through God’s eyes, our neighbors can be road signs, obstacles and examples that lead us closer to Him. Our neighbors make us better people!
This week we have been talking about how to love God. First of all, if you love God, you should talk to Him. Then you should listen to Him. The example we used in morning prayer was how God loves us through sin. Loving God means we trust Him and want His guidance and His peace when we are hurting, and when we have been naughty. “Have you ever lied?” “Have you said mean things to someone?” “Have you turned in work that wasn’t very good?”
How did that make you feel? Some of the responses were “lonely,” “bad.” If we love God, we can feel better. Just talk to Him about your mistakes. Let Him heal you and show you a better way. When we love God, we love ourselves and we are much better at loving our neighbor. Our hearts are open to God’s love!
St. Pio says: "Don't let temptations frighten you. They are the trials of those souls whom God wants to put to the test when he sees them as strong enough to sustain the battle..... This is why you find yourself rather disorganized in the beginning. But the soul will acquire its patient a while longer and everything will work out well (letters 111, p.630)
Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry- St. Padre Pio
God Bless,
Anne Atkin, principal